
Title Author Price
Pictorial History of Salisbury Cathedral, The Canon A F Smethurst $2.50
pictorial history of Westminster Abbey, The Adam Fox $2.50
Pictorial History of Winchester, The Barbara Carpenter Turner $2.50
plant magic man, The Lawrence Durrell $2.50
Provence (Timeless Places Series) Alexandra Bonfante-Warren $4.00
pyramids and sphinx, The Desmond Stewart $4.00
Quick Escapes Pacific Northwest, 7th Marilyn McFarlane $2.50
Rick Steves Italy 2010 Rick Steves $2.50
Rick Steves' Europe 101 Rick Steves $2.50
rouch guide to the rocky mountians, the Alf alderson $2.50
Royal borough of Windsor Shelagh Bond $2.50
Secret Life of the Seine, The Mort Rosenblum $2.50
Shetland Colin Baxter $2.50
Sicilian odyssey Francine Prose $4.00
Sicilian summer Brian Johnston $2.50
Singapore 1870s-1940s in Pictures Ministry of Culture $2.50
Skansen: A Short Guide for the Visitor $11.00
Somerset & Avon Jack Rayfield $2.50
St Paul's Cathedral E T Floyd Ewin $2.50
story of early Estes Park, The ENos A. Mills $2.50
Tarragona Jose Maria Recasens Comes $4.00
Thirty-four Campgrounds Martin Hogue $4.00
Toledo Francisco Zarco Moreno $4.00
Toledo (Planeta Guides series) C. Marti Farreras $12.00
Too innocent abroad Joan Hibbard Fleming $4.00
