Native American

Title Author Price
Basin-Plateau aboriginal sociopolitical groups Julian H. Steward $2.50
Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, who called themselves the Nimipu, "the real people" Robert Penn Warren $2.50
Crow Killer, New Edition Raymond W. Thorp $9.00
cultural resources of clinton lake, Kansas, the mary elizabeth chambers $45.00
Drumbeats from Mescalero H. Henrietta Stockel $10.00
education of Little Tree, The Forrest Carter $2.50
Encyclopedia of the American Indian in the twentieth century Alexander Ewen $48.00
Fools Crow Thomas E. Mails $10.00
Hallucinogens and shamanism Michael J. Harner $18.00
Hidden Wound Wendell Berry $10.00
Indian Cookin $2.50
Indian Rights, Human Rights Handbook for Indians on International Human Rights Complaint Procedures $100.00
Man in Nature Carl Ortwin Sauer $19.00
Man Who Loves Salmon., The Sherman Alexie $150.00
Mexican Indian Costumes (Pan America) Donald Bush Cordry $28.00
Official Overstreet Indian Arrowheads Identification and Price Guide, 7th Edition (Official Overstreet Indian Arrowhead Identification and Price Guide), The Robert M. Overstreet $30.00
Ohlone Way, The Malcolm Margolin $2.50
Oklahoma feather dancer, The Tyrone H. Stewart $25.00
Overstreet Indian Arrowheads PG Robert M. Overstreet $19.00
Plains Indian Knife Sheaths Alex Kozlov $21.00
Regional Creative Ojo Book Diane Thomas $14.00
saga of Indian Em'ly: Books 1-4, the Sara Barnard $80.00
Sioux quill and beadwork Carrie A. Lyford $2.50
WILDERNESS KINGDOM: Indian Life in the Rocky Mountains: 1840-1847 Nicolas Point $45.00
World of the American Indian, The Jules M. Billard $4.00