Non-fiction (General)

Title Author Price
2007 Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue including Countries of the World J-O, Vol 4 James E. Kloetzel $22.00
Abridgment of the Law of Trusts Austin Wakeman Scott $70.00
After the fact James West Davidson $2.50
Afterzen Janwillem van de Wetering $2.50
Aircraft Maintenance for Airplane Mechanic Daniel J Brimm $18.00
Alan Ellman's Selling Cash-Secured Puts Ellman Alan $30.00
American Aviation Historical Society Volume 33 (1988) AAHS $40.00
Another way of life Patricia Baum $19.00
Arithmetic Edwina Deans $15.00
Assembling a Solar Generator: How to Harness the Sun for Power when you need it most Jay Marmke $14.00
Billig's Philatelic Handbook Fritz billig $22.00
bottom of the harbor, The Joseph Mitchell $16.00
Canadian Pacific Quadruple-screw Liner: Empress of Britain $52.00
Cards of your destiny: what your birthday reveals about you and your past, present, and future Robert Camp $2.50
Child Sexual Abuse Margaret-Ellen Pipe $30.00
Children's Story, The James Clavell $2.50
Christmas Traditions William Muir Auld $20.00
cigar companion: a connoisseur's guide, The Anwer Bati $4.00
civil action, A Jonathan Harr $2.50
Classroom manual for automotive brake systems Lane Eichhorn $8.50
Corrections in the 21st Century - Third Edition Frank Schmalleger $4.00
Corrections in the United States Dean J. Champion $4.00
country diary of an Edwardian lady, The Edith Holden $12.00
Cross-channel & North Sea Shipping Services Part II (Cockrill Series Booklet No. 60) Roger Hosking $11.00
Deegam Catalogue of Machin Se-tenant Pairs, Third edition D.G.A. Myall $15.00
