American History

Title Author Price
Air America Christopher Robbins $32.00
Albuquerque Marc Simmons $37.00
Alice; A Centennial History, 1888-1988 Jean Darby $30.00
America's Gilded Age Judith Freeman Clark $4.00
American civil rights Phillis Engelbert $25.00
American Horizons, Concise: U.S. History in a Global Context, Volume I: To 1877 / Edition 1 Michael Schaller $2.50
American Jesus: how the Son of God became a national icon Stephen R. Prothero $4.00
American Legacy: A Pageant of Great Deeds and Famous Words, The David C. Whitney $20.00
American Transcendentalists: Their Prose and Poetry (Anchor Books #A119), The Perry Miller $13.00
American West: The Pictorial Epic of a Continent, The Lucius Beebe $55.00
Americanization of the Jews, The Robert M. Seltzer $40.00
americans, the Daniel Boorstin $40.00
Area 51 Bob Mayer $8.00
Beautiful Manhattan New York City Robin Will $80.00
Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue Richard Oliver $55.00
Black Birds in the Sky Brandy Colbert $4.00
Books and Photos of Elsa Spear: "Fort Phil Kearny, Dakota Territory, 1866-1868", "Bozeman Trail Scrapbook", "Trailing the Campfires" and Including Articles from the Annals of Wyoming, The Elsa Spear $75.00
Bringing Down the Colonel Miller $2.50
Bush pilots in southeastern Alaska Lloyd Jarman $2.50
Butterfield Overand Mail Ox Bow Route Through Texas 1858-1861, The Kirby Sanders $30.00
By Richard G Magnuson - Coeur d'Alene diary: The first ten years of hardrock mining Richard G. Magnuson $30.00
CASE OF JOHN C. WATROUS: United States Judge for Texas, THE Walace Hawkins $25.00
Caste and class in a southern town John Dollard $13.00
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents Isabel Wilkerson $4.00
Celebrating the immigrant barbara Blumberg $15.00
