
Title Author Price
Adrienne Rich's poetry and prose Adrienne Rich $2.50
After all William Matthews $4.00
Alphabet of Foxes Serena Fusek $2.50
Amazing grace Larry D. Thomas $2.50
Anchor Anthology of English seventeenth-century verse Louis Lohr Martz $2.50
anthology of modern verse, 1900-1920, An Algernon Methuen $30.00
As if light actually matters: new & selected poems Larry D. Thomas $2.50
Beware falling tortoises Sheenagh Pugh $2.50
Beyond the reaches of man Dan Paulick $2.50
Bhagavad Gita a New Verse Translation, The $25.00
blue hen's chickens and other poems, The Vincent McHugh $15.00
Brilliant Madness, A Robert M Drake $2.50
Calendar $20.00
Cavalier Poets, The Robert Herrick $2.50
Child's Tea Party, A Brownlow Publishing Company $13.00
clouds should know me by now, The Red Pine $12.00
Collected poems complete Alfred Noyes $15.00
Contemporary Poet As Artist and Critic Anthony Ostroff $2.50
Conversation Pieces Ross C. Follett $4.00
conversation pieces Ross C. Follett $14.00
Different ways to pray Naomi Shihab Nye $65.00
dream of love, A Joseph Langland $25.00
Ebb and flow Tony Prewit $2.50
Ebb and Flow Tony Prewit $2.50
English Lake District William Knight $35.01
