
Title Author Price
Sky Pond Marta Knobloch $2.50
Spiritual Travelers Tony Prewit $11.00
Spiritual travelers: on our own without a map Tony Prewit $11.00
Springing: new and selected poems Marie Ponsot $2.50
Star Theory Roberto M. Drake $2.50
Taking a peek: Poetry cracking the door but afraid to open it Jim Wilson $2.50
Teahouse of the almighty Patricia Smith $2.50
Today is mine! Dollilee Davis Smith $2.50
Uprooting Anna Sue Ives $4.00
Vista Contemporánea de Haiku Michael Moore (poet) $2.50
West Word Ho!: The western poetry of Doris Daley Doris Daley $20.00
When I Got Dressed Again Dodie Meeks $4.00
When the handwriting on the wall is in brown crayon Susan L. Lenzkes $2.50
White apples and the taste of stone Donald Hall $8.00
wind blows the high grass, The K.B. Whitley $2.50
wind blows the high grass, The K. B. Whitley $2.50
Words of silence Patricia Ann Terry $2.50
