
Title Author Price
art of kissing, The William Cane $2.50
Attitude Elwood N. Chapman $2.50
Boy meets girl: say hello to courtship Joshua Harris $2.50
Chicken soup for the father's soul Jack Canfield $2.50
Five Languages of Apology, The Gary D. Chapman $4.00
five love languages, The Gary Chapman $2.50
friend indeed, A Mary Loberg Walley $4.00
Friend is Someone Who Likes You, A Joan Walsh Anglund $4.00
Getting in touch with your inner bitch Elizabeth Hilts $2.50
Gifts of imperfection, the Brene Brown $2.50
Introverts in love Sophia Dembling $2.50
Invisible Girls Sarah Thebarge $2.50
loss that is forever, The Maxine Harris $4.00
Love and trouble: a midlife reckoning Claire Dederer $4.00
Love matters Delilah $4.00
Love smart Phillip C. McGraw $4.00
Loving solutions: overcoming barriers in your marriage Gary D. Chapman $4.00
Man of Steel & Velvet Aubrey P. Andelin $37.00
Marry Him Lori Gottlieb $2.50
Men and marriage George F. Gilder $20.00
Ministering to Intermarried Couples Charles Joanides $12.00
Moments With You Dennis Rainey $4.00
Mothers are wonderful $4.00
Nonviolent communication Marshall B. Rosenberg $2.50
Open Heart, Open Home Karen Burton Mains $2.50
