
Title Author Price
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition Editors of The American Heritage Dictionaries $75.00
battered woman, The Lenore E. Walker $2.50
belief instinct: the psychology of souls, destiny, and the meaning of life, The Jesse Bering $4.00
Children Be Your Best Ellen Chernoff Simon $2.00
Clinician's Guide to Teaching Mindfulness Christiane Wolf $21.00
Educational Psychology Robert E. Slavin $90.00
Empathy Roman Krznaric $4.00
Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being Martin Elias Pete Seligman $2.50
Frames of mind Howard Gardner $20.00
Healing from Trauma Jasmin Lee Cori $2.50
Hear Our Cry: Boys in Crisis Paul D. Slocumb $2.50
hero within, The Carol Pearson $2.50
How to spot a liar Gregory Hartley $2.50
In search of a therapy Dennis T. Jaffe $2.50
Mescal, and Mechanisms of hallucinations Heinrich Kluver $9.00
Personal Growth and Behavior 95/96 (The Annual Editions) Karen G. Duffy $60.00
PSYCHO CYBERNETICS Maxwell Maltz $10.00
psychology of intelligence, the Jean Piaget $2.50
psychotherapy of C.G. Jung, The Wolfgang Hochheimer $4.00
Seven servants Wilfred R. Bion $140.00
Slender Thread: Rediscovering Hope at the Heart of Crisis, A Diane Ackerman $2.50
T.A. Primer, The Adelaide Bry $2.50
untethered soul, the michael a singer $2.50
What goes up--surviving the manic episode of a loved one Judy Eron $2.50
Wired This Way: On Finding Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Well-being as a Creator Jessica Carson $16.00