
Title Author Price
Amazing Afterlife of Animals, The Karen A Anderson $2.50
Amazing Gracie: A Dog's Tale Dan Dye $2.50
Amber Gladys Taber $25.00
Be the pack leader: use Cesar's way to transform your dog... and your life Cesar Millan $2.50
Boxers (Complete Pet Owner's Manuals) Chris Thiel $2.50
cat I.Q. test, The Melissa Miller $2.50
Cat in the Window, The Callie Smith Grant $2.50
Cesar's way Cesar Millan $4.00
Chicken soup for the pet lover's soul Jack Canfield $2.50
Chinese Cresteds: Everything About Purchase, Care, Nutrition, Grooming, and Health Anna Morton $20.00
Close friends Peter Jenkins $4.00
Complete Jack Russell Terrier, The David Brian Plummer $4.00
Dog care: 101 Essential Tips Bruce Fogle $2.50
Dog Food Judith Adler $4.00
Dog Tales Walter E. Long $9.00
From Baghdad to America Jay Kopelman $2.50
From Baghdad, with Love Jay Kopelman $2.50
Golden Angels Stephanie Weaver $2.50
Goodbye, friend Gary A. Kowalski $2.50
Guide to companion parrot behavior Mattie Sue Athan $2.50
Hachiko waits Lesléa Newman $4.00
Hidden Life of Dogs, The Elizabeth Marshall Thomas $2.50
How to Get Your Cat to Do What You Want Warren Eckstein $2.50
How to say it to your dog: a positive approach to solving behavior problems by communicating in ways your dog will understand Janine Adams $2.50
If your dog could talk: a training guide for humans Bruce Fogle $2.50
