Farm & Ranch

Title Author Price
All my meadows Patricia Penton Leimbach $4.00
Animal pharm Mark Purdey $13.00
Click That Teaches, The Alexandra Kurland $2.50
Farm machinery and farm motors J. Brownlee Davidson $25.00
Feeds and Feeding, 22nd edition Frank B Morrison $30.00
Horse conformation as to soundness and performance Ben K. Green $4.50
Horse of the Americas, The Robert Moorman Denhardt $30.00
Know About Horses Harry Disston $4.00
Majesty of the Horse, The Tamsin Pickeral $2.50
Natural History of the Pig Ida M. Mellen $25.00
One-straw revolution, The Masanobu Fukuoka $9.00
Trans-Missouri stock raising H. Lathan $95.00
Treating Dairy Cows Naturally Hubert J. Karreman $35.00
We live in the Alaskan bush Tom Walker $2.50