
Title Author Price
"They say / I say" Gerald Graff $2.50
1,001 trivia questions Vincent Terrace $4.00
American Heritage dictionary, The William Morris $4.00
Art of Thank You; Crafting Notes of Gratitude, The Connie Leas $4.00
Asking the right questions M. Neil Browne $2.50
Associated Press Style Book 2019, The Associated Press. $2.50
At Home with Artistic Penwork Stephen A Ziller $15.00
Bardisms: Shakespeare for all occasions : wonderful words from the bard on life's big moments (and some small ones, too), plus tips on how to use them in a toast, speech, or letter Barry Edelstein $4.00
Between You & Me: Confessions of a Comma Queen Mary Norris $4.00
Book of Familiar Quotations $4.00
Books for living Will Schwalbe $4.00
Boundary Control and Legal Principles Curtis M. Brown $35.00
broom of one's own: words on writing, housecleaning, and life, A Nancy Peacock $2.50
Channels: A basic writer's workbook Marjolyn Verspoor $2.50
Coleridge's writings on Shakespeare Terence Hawkes $2.50
community of writers, A Peter Elbow $2.50
Comparative higher education Philip G. Altbach $2.50
dictionary of Māori place names =, A Alexander Wyclif Reed $20.00
Directory of Names for Use with the History of Sullivan County James Eldridge Quinlan $45.00
Discovering American Dialects Roger W. Shuy $2.50
Don't Know Much About Anything Kenneth C. Davis $2.50
elements of business writing, The Gary Blake $2.50
elements of journalism, The Bill Kovach $2.50
English-Kwanyama Dictionary G.W.R. Tobias $195.00
Family Tree Workbook Brian Sheffey $2.50
